Age-in-Action – The SA Council for the Aged
Category: Non-profit
Founded in 1956 as “The South African Council for the Aged”, now known as “Age-in-Action”, is the body representing more than 2.7 million older people. The Organisation also has over 800 NGO’s as members who provide vital services to more than 150 000 older persons in need of care. In terms of its mission, namely to protect and promote the interests and well-being of all elderly persons.

021 418 2145

Alcoholics Anonymous
Category: Non-profit
Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

011 869 9077

Alzheimer’s South Africa
Category: Non-profit
This association is South Africa’s leader in the fields of Alzheimer’s and dementia, providing support, education, training and up-to-date, scientifically-sound information on matters pertaining to all forms of dementia. Our vision is a country that is aware and accepting of people with dementia, and provides adequate services to them, their families and other carers.

0860 102 681

CANSA – Cancer Association of South Africa
Category: Non-profit
The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) exists to co-ordinate resources available to cancer patients in the community; to support and direct cancer research in South Africa and to promote healthy lifestyles and choices that will result in a reduction of cancer incidences and raise the health status of all our communities.

0800 226 622

Catholic Women’s League
Category: Non-profit
The Catholic Women’s League was founded by Margaret Fletcher in England in the early 1900’s and was established in South Africa in 1931. The National Council was formed in 1952. The Catholic Women’s League is affiliated with WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations).

Depression and Anxiety Disorders Group
Category: Non-profit
Celebrating 11 years of mental health and advocacy in 2006, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group is Africa’s largest and most recognised mental health initiative. As the nation’s leading advocacy and educational voice on mental health, SADAG has been tirelessly committed to improving the mental health and well-being of thousands of South Africans.

011 783 1474

Diabetes South Africa
Category: Non-profit
Diabetes South Africa is a non-profit organization, funded in 1969 to be a support and an advocate for all people with diabetes in South Africa.

011 886 3721

Dystonia Association SA
Category: Non-profit
We are dedicated to the supply of information and support for people with Dystonia and other movement disorders in South Africa. Good News – With the financial help of the National Lottery we are in the process of producing an educational video on Dystonia to promote awareness within the medical profession as a whole and to the general public.

011 326 2112

Headway Support Group
Category: Non-profit
We are here to enable survivors of Acquired Brain Injury and their families to ‘Make headway to a better future’ – by putting them in touch with each other, and by advising them about the various resources which would support them and help them to move forward along the road of rehabilitation.

011 442 5733

Heart Foundation of South Africa
Category: Non-profit
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a Section 21 company (not-for-profit) with 18-A status, dedicated to reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease through education and supporting research.

021 447 4222

Life Healthcare
Category: Medical
The Life Healthcare group is a key player in the South African healthcare sector. Life Healthcare’s primary business is acute hospital care and comprises one of the widest geographical spreads of acute care hospitals and same day surgical centres in Southern Africa. The international business is conducted through Partnership Health Group (PHG). Life Healthcare’s state of the art High-Tech private facilities are complemented by related healthcare services that integrate the healthcare delivery system covering the full spectrum of medical care.

011-219 9000

Category: Non-profit
If you are over 60 and in need of help – with anything from applying for a State pension to accommodation or advice about services and facilities for the aged. We make no charge for any Social Work consultation or visit, and if we can’t help you ourselves, we can put you in touch with other people and organisations who can! It is our policy to do the greatest possible good for the greatest possible number of people, with no thought of who deserves help, but only of who needs help.

031 332 3721

The Parkinson’s Association South Africa
Category: Non-profit
We are the only national organisation working exclusively to support people with Parkinson’s, their families and care-givers. Our mission is the conquest of Parkinson’s, and the alleviation of the distress it causes. The Parkinson’s Association SA produces a wide range of resources, including information sheets, booklets, audio tapes, videos, on all aspects of Parkinson’s for people with Parkinson’s disease, their families, care-givers and health care professionals.

011-787 8792/326 2112