Issues with Life Rights
We moved into a Retirement Village 4 yrs ago on Life Rights (no refund on last party moving out).
The lease agreement that we signed, stated that we were not allowed to go away for more than 2 consecutive months at a time, unless permission was given by the Board. It appears there was a House Rule stating that the time away was not to exceed 90 days per year, this rule was NEVER enforced and people did go away for more than the 90 days.
Last year June, a notice comes out stating A Resolution has been passed that the total time away is not to exceed 90 days per year. What is making me mad, is that when we moved in I stated that we do travel a lot and was told this was not a problem, at this stage we are exceeding the 90 days, but now are been threatened with evicition and we are not feeling very comfortable Our Board consists of 4 self elected members with no say from the residence, we also do not see any Financial Statement.
Can anybody give advice on this matter?
Lyn Munroe